Objitec Business Metrics & Progress Report April 2017
Welcome to the April 2017 business update. We make these reports public in case you would like to comment or have any advice you’d like to share with us. All comments are welcome at the end of the post.
Google Analytics And Google Search Console
The following link is a reminder of the sites that we manage as part of the Objitec company.
Here is the Google Analytics report for April.
Nothing much to report on the traffic front, no major effort on any of the sites of late.
The following table shows our latest measurements.
METRIC | MAR 2017 |
APR 2017 |
CloudApp Traffic | 126 | 87 | No complaints from customers |
Objitec Traffic | 42 | 36 | No effort |
PlanIt-BookIt Traffic | 252 | 204 | No effort |
PlanIt-BookIt App Traffic | 1450 | 1581 | Slight increase |
Sign-up Page Traffic | 4 | 8 | Slight increase |
@planitbookit Tweets | 67 | 72 | Added a few squash related tweets |
@planitbookit Following | 64 | 65 | Slight increase |
@planitbookit Followers | 60 | 62 | Slight increase |
@objitec Tweets | 56 | 57 | This monthly report gets tweeted |
@objitec Following | 30 | 29 | Little effort |
@objitec Followers | 28 | 28 | Little effort |
Comments across all sites | 0 | 0 | Need to add some quality articles |
Customers | 7 | 8 | Small increase. |
PlanIt-BookIt Facebook Likes | 5 | 5 | Mainly a placeholder for now |
Objitec Facebook Likes | 2 | 2 | Mainly a placeholder for now |
New Mini-League Application
We loaded the players for a local club into the application. They are going to begin trialling our new application during the month of May.
PlanIt-BookIt App
We have a very large club about to trial PlanIt-BookIt so a lot of effort this month has been put into setting them up correctly and making sure everything will work exactly as expected for them.
We also added some new functionality to the app. We’ve now enabled an Admin role from directly withing the booking system. Previously all admin tasks were completed from a separate app – PlanIt Admin. The new functionality allows people who have been assigned admin rights to be able to book and cancel courts on behalf of other people.
We also enabled pricing for both parties in a booking. Meaning a member could play a non-member and simply pay the non-member fee directly online. Previously all charges were based on the membership of the person booking only.
PlanIt-BookIt Events
One of our customers reported major successes from using our event system. They had more bookings than usual and a packed bar full of people watching the event!
New Business
We continue to have quite a lot of interest in our products while still not having focused much effort into Marketing, which I guess is positive.
Had a site visit this month to a prospective customer. They said that they would be very interested as soon as we can get the automated court light switching functionality implemented. We will add it to our to do list!
Built a simple eCommerce web site for another prospective customer and also spent a day training them how to use it. They are very pleased with what we have done so far and so we expect them to be a paying customer shortly.
We had an enquiry to demo PlanIt-BookIt on site at a small squash club. The demo is planned for 15th of May. Will let you know how it went in my next update.