Objitec Business Metrics & Progress Report Sep 2018
I know, it’s been a while since the last one of these. Real work has got in the way and this update kept getting pushed down to the bottom of the to do list.
The following link is a reminder of the sites that we manage as part of the Objitec company.
Cloudapp is showing relatively constant use from just a couple of customers that we have using it.
The promotional web site for our new Executive Car booking system is very new, so not showing much at the moment.
Traffic has stayed relatively constant with this site. Not sure what caused the big peak in August!
This is the traffic for our one pager marketing site. Again not sure what the big peak in August is about.
Apart from holiday periods the traffic is relatively constant.
This is our main marketing site for PlanIt-BookIt and it’s showing a steady increase year on year.
Our core booking system product PlanIt-BookIt is levelling out at approximately 3K sessions per month.
Sign-up traffic has increased but sign-ups haven’t – might need to rethink this.
The following table shows our latest measurements.
METRIC | Jan 2018 |
Sep 2018 |
@planitbookit Tweets | 86 | 87 | No effort |
@planitbookit Following | 76 | 76 | No effort |
@planitbookit Followers | 74 | 71 | No effort |
@objitec Tweets | 77 | 80 | No effort |
@objitec Following | 25 | 28 | No effort |
@objitec Followers | 27 | 28 | No effort |
Customers | 14 | 13 | 1 went bust, 1 on hold, 1 new big customer |
PlanIt-BookIt Facebook Likes | 18 | 116 | Can’t explain this! |
Objitec Facebook Likes | 87 | 112 | Or this! |
Executive Car Rental
Executive-car is now fully live and been actively used by our customer.
You can view our promotional web site for the product by visiting Executive-Car.
EV Survey
On request of our client we’ve done a little more work on our electrical-vehicle charging-installation-point survey system. We’re waiting on manufacturer comparisons. These need to be added into the system so that customer requesting charge point installations can make an informed decision on which manufacturer to go with.
Lots of effort on this in the last 6+ months. We’ve completely revamped how the system works in terms of costing kitchen-units.
New Business
Working with a number of new clients at the moment.